All organic and non-organic products need a little preparation before eating.
In addition to the chemicals and fertilizers that many farmers use to grow our favorite fruits and vegetables, parasites are prevalent in many of our favorite healthy foods!
Have you ever thought about how many hands touched that same product that you are preparing to eat? Many germs
The preparation of fresh products can be done quickly, easily, completely naturally and above all safe for everyone.
This recipe requires only 3 ingredients, but they are very effective when it comes to killing germs and parasites.
By spraying fruits and vegetables with this prep solution before consuming, you are killing germs, parasites, and harmful pesticides.
Fruit and vegetable disinfectant spray
Spray cap bottle
1 cup of vinegar
8 drops of grapefruit seed extract
20 drops of grapefruit essential oil
Combine all the ingredients in the bottle and shake well.
Drizzle your fruits and vegetables with the prep solution allowing them to sit for 5-10 minutes before rinsing them well. If you are washing a large number of products, repeat this process several times.
Since the oils are extremely concentrated and the solution incorporates vinegar, this prep solution will keep for several weeks, making it a great way to keep you and your family healthy.